Rideshare Accident

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Uber & Lyft Accident Attorneys

Filing an Injury Claim After a Rideshare Accident

Rideshares like Uber and Lyft have become an increasingly popular mode of transportation throughout the United States. But with the rise in the number of rideshare vehicles on our nation’s roads, we’ve also seen an increased risk of being involved in an accident with these vehicles. Unlike taxi drivers, bus drivers, and other commercial vehicle operators, rideshare drivers are not professional drivers. They don’t need any additional training or certification in order to be hired to transport passengers. When they are navigating unfamiliar areas, looking for passengers, or rushing to the next pickup location, they can cause serious collisions with life-altering consequences.

If you or your loved one was injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, turn to Dunk Law Firm. The laws regarding rideshare crashes are complex and vary from state to state. Our attorneys understand these laws, as well as how state-specific rules may apply to your case. Whether you were a rideshare passenger, the driver of another vehicle, or even a pedestrian or cyclist who was hit by an Uber or Lyft, our team is ready to fight for you. We serve clients in Wisconsin, Texas, and throughout the U.S. from our multiple office locations.

Liability in Uber & Lyft Accident Cases

Accidents involving rideshare vehicles are more complex than typical car accident claims. They’re also different from other types of commercial vehicle claims, such as truck accident cases, in which an employer can often be held liable for the commercial driver’s negligence.

Both Uber and Lyft classify their drivers as independent contractors. This largely protects them from liability, as they are not held to the same liability standards as employers. However, both rideshare companies offer insurance coverage for those injured in accidents caused by their drivers. The amount of coverage available depends on the circumstances of the accident.

Uber and Lyft offer the following coverage in the following circumstances:

  • When the rideshare driver does not have the app turned on: no coverage
  • When the rideshare driver has the app turned on but hasn’t accepted a ride: limited coverage for bodily injury per person/accident and property damage
  • When the rideshare driver has the app turned on and is on the way to pick up a passenger: limited coverage for bodily injury per person/accident and property damage
  • When the rideshare driver has a passenger: up to $1 million

In most cases, this coverage kicks in only after the rideshare driver’s auto insurance policy has either denied the claim (the most common scenario) or has been exhausted.

How the Process Works

While every situation is different, the process of filing an injury claim after an Uber or Lyft accident typically goes as follows:

  • The injured party (plaintiff) first files a claim with the at-fault rideshare driver’s private auto insurance provider
  • This claim will almost always be denied, as the driver was operating his/her vehicle in a commercial capacity, which is not covered under most private insurance policies
  • After the initial claim has been denied, the plaintiff can file a claim with the rideshare company’s insurance provider and seek compensation

The amount of compensation you could be entitled to receive will depend on the “period” in which the accident occurred. Period one is when the rideshare driver had the app turned on but hadn’t accepted a ride, period two is when the rideshare driver had accepted a ride but hadn’t picked up the passenger yet, and period three is when the rideshare driver had a passenger in the vehicle.

How an Uber & Lyft Accident Attorney Can Help

When you are injured in an auto accident, your primary focus should be on getting the medical care and treatment you need. You shouldn’t have to worry about things like paying your medical bills and keeping up with day-to-day expenses while you are out of work. Unfortunately, these challenges are often the reality for victims of motor vehicle accidents.

An experienced attorney can help you work quickly to file your claim and seek a fair settlement that covers the costs you have suffered as a result of the crash. At Dunk Law Firm, we take the time to listen to your story and learn more about your case before beginning a prompt and thorough investigation of the facts. Our goal is to not only advocate for you throughout the entire legal process but also to provide you with the personalized attention and caring support you deserve.

Contact Us to Learn More

The first step in your recovery is reaching out to a team that can help you take powerful legal action. Our Uber and Lyft accident lawyers are ready to fight for you. We truly care about each and every one of our clients and strive to be someone they can count on every step of the way.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Questions Should I Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer?

How Much Are Lawyer Fees for Personal Injury?

What Is Fair Compensation for Personal Injury?

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Houston Office

717 Franklin St
Houston, TX 77002

(713) 575-1991

Memphis Office

149 Monroe Ave.
Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 231-4779

Milwaukee Office

777 Jefferson Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(713) 575-1991